Many people take out an insurance policy without considering their personal needs. Take a trip through this website to evaluate your insurance needs along your life journey step by step. The impartial information and the professional assessment tool here will help you learn how to manage risks as you proceed through life.
Which types of insurance
do you need?
do you need?
Consider why you want to buy insurance, and learn about the functions and features of the different insurance products, so that you can choose the type that best suits your needs in different stages of your life.
Do you have enough protection
for your current stage in life?
for your current stage in life?
Life is a long journey. You will encounter different life events, which will be associated with different risks. Have you thought about the difference in insurance needs if you live longer or shorter than you expected? What are your top priorities during your current stage of life, your daily needs, and the risks in the event of your death?
How should you evaluate your protection needs?
The Mortality Protection Gap (MPG) is one of the indicators, which evaluates whether your financial resources are adequate to maintain the present living standard of your family if you pass away. According to a study conducted by the Insurance Authority, in 2019, the aggregate mortality protection gap in Hong Kong was approximately HK$6.9 trillion, and the average gap for each worker was HK$1.9 million. For details, please refer to the Mortality Protection Gap Study 2021.
Protection Needs Assessment
The protection gap for each person varies, depending on your family background and financial situation. The gap will also change with life stage and income level. To understand the impact of life planning on your current and future insurance needs, use the assessment tool on this website to obtain an analytical report.